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Terms and Conditions:

The Service is available to you if you submit certain requested information to H&T Taxcorp site, including (but not limited to) your name and correct email address and other document artifacts for the Tax preparation Service. In addition, by using the Service, you agree to provide the Company with true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself when such information is requested by us (whether by questionnaires, email). We after receiving the information for preparing the tax return prepare the tax return based on the information provided by you, we do not hold any responsibility in verification or audit of information provided by you.


H&T Taxcorp is a full-service tax consulting firm offering tax return preparation, tax planning, tax compliance to individuals. We at H&T Taxcorp are sensitive to customer concerns and ensure absolute confidentiality and privacy of any information that is given to us. Under no circumstances will H&T Taxcorp, its advisors, agents, representatives and employees are liable or responsible for any damage or inconvenience caused or alleged to be caused by the use of our services. H&T Taxcorp' liability relating to any product or service shall be strictly limited to the amount of fees paid to and received by H&T Taxcorp for such product or service. H&T Taxcorp and its services are not a substitute for the advice of an attorney, or licensed CPA.

Completeness and Accuracy of Your Information:

In preparing each of your returns, H&T Taxcorp will rely on the information that you are supplying to be accurate and complete to the best of your knowledge. H&T Taxcorp will make no audit or other verification of the data you submit, although H&T Taxcorp may need to ask you for clarification of some of the information you provide.

Since the returns will reflect the information that you have given us, you have the ultimate responsibility for their accuracy; therefore, you should review each return carefully before you sign and file it.

H&T Taxcorp procedures in connection with the preparation of your income tax returns do not include any procedures designed to discover errors or other irregularities in the information you provide to us, should any exist. H&T Taxcorp will, however, provide such tax and accounting assistance as H&T Taxcorp finds necessary for preparation of these returns.

Your Federal income tax form includes a “Third Party Designee” section by which you can authorize your H&T Taxcorp preparer to give the IRS any information that is missing from your return, call the IRS for information about the processing of your return, and respond to certain IRS notices.

No Resale of Service:

You agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or exploit any part of the Service, including any content, use of the Service, or access to the Service for any commercial purposes.

Refund and Cancellation Policy:

Once the payment is made, we send you the tax return draft copy, here you can see your tax return copy prepared. We shall refund the fee based on client request prior issuing the tax return draft copy.

In case of any kind of representation services, we will provide the Unlimited Representation (Three years), without any additional fee.

We will not be paying back for interest and penalties incurred by the client as we are providing tax services, just service fee is charged by us.

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